Know about Craze Lines on Front Teeth
Date : 20 Feb, 2023

Typically associated with ageing, craze lines are superficial, vertical lines that form on tooth enamel. Hairline fractures are also known as superficial fractures. There may be a translucency to craze lines. It's possible for them to be any shade of grey, yellow, or brown. You may find it unattractive if you develop a number of craze lines on your front teeth all of a sudden. Craze lines, on the other hand, are frequently obscured and missed until the observer is actively on the lookout for them. Teeth may become more stained as a result of craze lines. They may therefore be more obvious in those who consume tobacco products or caffeine-rich beverages such as coffee, tea, soda, or red wine. Smilestone is the Best Orthodontist in Nagpur Extremely common in adults, craze lines on teeth are often quite superficial and painless. In most cases, they only affect the way something looks.But if the fissures go through the enamel, you need to visit a dentist very away. Cracked teeth are painful and can lead to the loss of a tooth if not corrected. If you're worried that the fissures in your enamel are actually more serious, your dentist can help you sort it out. They can also be brought on by things like: • Prolonged teeth grinding and clenching • An uneven bite pattern • Biting fingernails • Cutting or ripping open objects with teeth • Chewing on non-food objects • Chewing on frozen foods and ice • Tongue rings • Sudden, extreme temperature changes (like drinking hot coffee after eating cold ice cream) • Trauma (like getting hit in the mouth during contact sports) • Previous dental drillings Structure of TeethYour teeth are composed of various components.
- Enamel. When you look at a tooth, the first thing you'll notice is the enamel. This substance contains both calcium and phosphorus. Your tooth enamel is the toughest tissue in your body. Here's where the latest fad in line formation occurs.
- Dentin. The dentin lies underneath the enamel. Most of the tooth is comprised of this porous layer that resembles bone. The pulp underneath gives it strength and stability.
- Pulp. In the pulp, your tooth's nerves are housed in a soft tissue. Dentin is made from the pulp.
- Root. The roots of your tooth anchor it to the jawbone, much way a plant's roots anchor it to the ground.
- Craze line: This term refers to a fissure in the enamel that runs along the outer or inner surface of a tooth. This condition is asymptomatic and should not be treated, however some people may want to have cosmetic operations to fix it. Although craze lines might be cosmetically disfiguring, they never develop into full-fledged tooth cracks.